Open to all, unpretentious, with clear emphasis in unlayering the subject of sensitivity. We use the body as the vehicle and the senses as messengers to access and connect to the most essential layers of our being through Yoga.
During the yoga classes I teach we visit with awareness traditional and non-traditional asana (posture), respiration, yoga nidra (cultivation of conscious rest), relaxation as a skill whilst constantly cultivating an extended quality of concentration, calmness and still moments.
Yoga for a body that is replenished with vitality a lucid mind & sparkling spirit.
My intention is to invite each individual to access their inner world using the tool of Yoga through deliberate action and participation. So that we can know ourselves beyond all the stories we believe ourselves to be, uncovering what we really are.
Yoga is a path of self-liberation and removal of the obstacles that stand in our way to reveal and become true essence
Formats and time duration change depending on the offering, my weekly Sunday class online lasts 60 minutes, in-person classes or one-on-one tend to last from 60 up to 90 minutes. Classes at Retreats, study days and special events offer a more in depth work, where we can explore the various petals and elements of Yoga for longer periods of time.

“Yoga is firstly for individual growth, but through individual growth, society and community develop.”
— BKS Iyengar
María Herminia: The Teacher
Born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. A devoted yogini that has been dedicated to yoga for over 15 years of trayectory both as a practitioner and as an instructor.