I heard the quote above somewhere, and it has stayed with me for some time. Our bodies are made to move, we are diverse infinite beings, our intelligence and physical potential really pushes beyond the walls of understanding, the body is the vessel we we’re given to experience life.
Every little we give to it in the form of any sort of movement, the body amplifies for good, and so it does the other way around.. not to become too critical or over-do but to take action specially if you have the power to decide to go for a walk and get the sun on the face, have a sudden race to the next street or field with a loved one (or alone! why not?), get on that trampolin and feel the heart beating faster for a moment, or finally join that yoga class that keeps on calling you. There’s no such thing as ‘doing too little’ for this, everything adds up.
In the upcoming week I will be hosting on the zoom room a Livestreamed iRest Yoga Nidra training with James Reeves, a wonderful Teacher I have the pleasure to learn from and work with. I have been working with James supporting his labour for about 3 years now, we meet in person in one of my dream places: Oxford, where I attended the iRest Level 1 training and later on attended Part 2 in London. During this time, either as student, assistant or host, many drops of awakening have hitted my experience in the most unexpected ways and I am grateful to be able to continue and say yes to this opportunity of self-study, service and connection.
Yoga Nidra shows me the nourishing qualities of stillness, and that is not all about moving the body in the obvious ways, there’s so much more to discover in the realms of the mind and the space that exists above thinking, into feeling and essentially being. Yoga Nidra has unraveled the heart of yoga and meditation for me.
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